Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mermaid Run

Day 10: Today I am thankful for my physical health. I make an effort to not take for granted that I am in great physical shape. I also make a strong effort to take care of this fairly strong body that God has blessed me with. I try to eat right, meaning limit processed food, and consume food in as close to its natural state as possible. I eat organic food when possible, and try to limit the junk food. I don't deprive myself of the occasional treat though! I just make an effort not to be excessive. I also have always enjoyed keeping my body physically fit. Running is something I've recently gotten more into. I've been blessed with a new friend, and a great motivator and inspiration in this renewed love. My friend Judy, along with her family, just moved here a couple of short months ago, and she's become an instant friend. She's an amazing athlete who has done several tri-athlons and marathons. She invited me to run with her one time, and that was the beginning of my renewed love for running. I had been leery of running on my own outside, thus I haven't. It's been great to have a running partner. She's also motivated my friend Peggy to run too. The three of us have enjoyed running together, and have enjoyed being girlfriends. Also, I've gained increased strength, and improved physical health. Today I ran my first 5k, The Mermaid Run in San Francisco, along side my two girlfriends. What an amazing experience it was! It definitely will not be my last. I'm thankful, once again, for my physical health, so that I can continue to enjoy such things.

The view for about 50% of the run. Our beloved Golden Gate Bridge.


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