Friday, October 12, 2012

Organization for Baby

Several weeks back, we moved the baby out of our room (yay!) and into her new room that she's sharing with her big brother. The problem has been extra storage space. I received this little storage shelf thing for the nursery, at the baby's baby shower, which was about nine months ago! It required assembly, which required time, (a rare comodity), thus never got put together and used... until now! I finally mustered up the time to assemble it. Needing more storage in that room, definitely was a motivating factor.

I assembled it in the living room. Notice the laundry on the couch and the toys on the floor! My life these days.

And here it is, way in the corner, in it's intended place, in the babys' room, next to the dresser/changing table, with clothes and diapers already taking residence! Oh, it's the simple things that make me so happy.


  1. I think it's funny how the green walls in the baby's room mathches the green on my blog!

  2. haha! green is good. Does she share with P?
