Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post Christmas Savings

My dad gave my kids cash for Christmas. He usually does this and wants me to get for them what they need. Usually I put the money away, and spend it as needed. This time, I took the cash with me straight to the store. After having cleaned out my boys closets (a long awaited project), I was able to get a better feel for what they needed. I went to The Children's Place, and to Kohls and took advantage of the major after Christmas clearance sales they had going on. I got some serious loot. I can't remember the last time I bought so many items at one time! The sales were so good. I purchased $724.90 retail value in clothing, but only paid a total of $241.56 for it! It gives me a little high when I score at the clearance racks. This was a good score! Here is a picture of most of what I got for the kids. Some items were not included in the photo as the boys were wearing their new pj's at the time, and had the other sets folded and put away. I also got myself a little cardigan that I wanted, and it ended up on clearance. I used my Kohl's cash for that one.

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