My bike riders |
My toddler who refuses to use the tiny tot slide |
My amazing climber |
I also have been continuing to enjoy my garden. I think posting about my flowers last week motivated me to step it up with the care of them.
Here are more new blooms from a plant I have yet to put in the ground.
Here is an arrangement I made of flowers and ivy from my garden, so I can enjoy them indoors.
My mother passed away 9 years ago, and last week was the anniversary of her death, so I thought I would bring some flowers to decorate her memorial. She also loved hydrangeas, so it felt appropriate. Making time to do this has also been a challenge for me. One of those things I keep meaning to do, and never get around to doing.
My grandparents are also buried in the same place, so I left flowers for them too. My grandmother was the one who first taught me how to garden, and first introduced me to hydrangeas, or as she called them, "million flowers."
I miss them very much, and I'm so glad I took the time to remember them this week.
I also helped my cousin to host an end of the quarter party for her teenage bible class students. These kids are a lovely bunch, most of which I've known since they were babies. I loved having them in my home, and witnessing them have a blast, and create memories. It also felt good having them in my house, inspite of my house not being as clean as I like. A personal goal of mine has been to not care so much whether or not my house is "perfect," so I don't hinder myself from hosting guests when there is an opportunity.
It has been a good week. Although I didn't accomplish as many mundane things as I would have liked to, I wouldn't change a thing. It was a good reminder for me to stop and make time for the things that really matter. Time is fleeting, and I can't waste it on good intentions alone.
I love going to the park with the kiddos, even though Aiyana likes to sit at the top of the stairs of the largest slide. She doesnt like going down by herself so she just sits there and waits for someone. I am glad that you got that time to enjoy them.