Happy February. I fully intended to post at the beginning of January, but due to technical difficulties, I couldn't, and then when that was resolved, I just never got to it. Boo. So, better late than never. Happy New Year! I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but this time I kinda did. The preacher at our church has challenged the congregation to read the bible in one year. I've tried to do this maybe a total of four times ever, and I've never had success. I thought I would give it another try starting the beginning of January 2013. I purchased a One Year Bible, and so far, I've actually stuck to it. I like how this bible is laid out. Each day, we read a passage from the Old Testament, the New Testament, a Psalm, and a Proverb. It's been so encouraging thus far, and humbling to read the familiar stories that illustrate God's awesomeness.

Also, on January 5th, my husband and I celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary with a lovely dinner and a movie date. It's been a good 12 years being married to my best friend.
I'm also happy to introduce to you the first lily bloom of the year from my garden. I love my cala lilies. Consider the lilies, how the grow. It is comforting to know that God takes care of me, because these days, I don't have much control of my crazy life. Taking care of four young kids, and a home is exhausting!