Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Fun

Happy Valentine's Day, technically a day late, but I'm up late at the end of Valentine's Day as I know it. My two older boys had a small school project to create their own Valentine boxes to be used to receive valentines from their classmates. I was proud of them in their creativity and excitement for this project. They had a great time at school. Here's what they came up with:

My oldest and his "Plants vs Zombies" themed box....

...with his creative conversation hearts on top!
My second grader's box with some "Phineas and Ferb..."

...and some cool hearts all over.


Also, I have been staying on track with my daily bible reading. This is such a great feeling. Everything else in my life seems way out of sorts and chaotic at best, but at least I can gladly say that this new habit I'm forming is staying steady. This week, I read about the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thinking about love this day, and week, I can not think of any better love story than this one. Knowing that Jesus endured such a cruel death so that I can have a home in Heaven... that's love greater than any other. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Off to a Good Start to 2013

Happy February. I fully intended to post at the beginning of January, but due to technical difficulties, I couldn't, and then when that was resolved, I just never got to it. Boo. So, better late than never. Happy New Year! I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but this time I kinda did. The preacher at our church has challenged the congregation to read the bible in one year. I've tried to do this maybe a total of four times ever, and I've never had success. I thought I would give it another try starting the beginning of January 2013. I purchased a One Year Bible, and so far, I've actually stuck to it. I like how this bible is laid out. Each day, we read a passage from the Old Testament, the New Testament, a Psalm, and a Proverb. It's been so encouraging thus far, and humbling to read the familiar stories that illustrate God's awesomeness.

Also, on January 5th, my husband and I celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary with a lovely dinner and a movie date. It's been a good 12 years being married to my best friend.

I'm also happy to introduce to you the first lily bloom of the year from my garden. I love my cala lilies. Consider the lilies, how the grow. It is comforting to know that God takes care of me, because these days, I don't have much control of my crazy life. Taking care of four young kids, and a home is exhausting!